Ghata's Blog

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SOL Spirit of Light Training Part 2, Mullumbimby, October 2018

SOL Spirit of Light Training Part 2, Mullumbimby, October 2018

I am still in awe of everything that unfolded in part 2 of this years SOL training. With every participant embracing the tools and bringing their own unique flavours to the energy work as well as the changes I made, the SOL training has gone to a whole new level. Here...

Frei Sein – Being Free Workshop Stuttgart June 2018

Frei Sein – Being Free Workshop Stuttgart June 2018

Frei Sein - Der Workshop für Männer und Frauen brachte uns allen so viel Tiefe, die Möglichkeit die Geschenk unserer Ahnen anzunehmen und die Bürden loszulassen, Spaß und wunderbare Begegnungen. Being Free - This workshop for men and women brought us all depth, the...

SOL Vertiefung/ Deepening Deutschland, Stuttgart 2018

SOL Vertiefung/ Deepening Deutschland, Stuttgart 2018

Unsere jährliche SOL Vertiefung war wieder einmal super. Spaß, Tiefe, neue Erkenntnisse und neues Wissen und vor allem Herzensverbindungen. / Our yearly SOL Deepening was once again amazing. Fun, depth, new realizations, new knowledge and most of all heart...

Frauenworkshop in Büdingen, Mai, 2018

Frauenworkshop in Büdingen, Mai, 2018

Wie schön, letztes Wochenende mit 20 Frauen in die Reiche der Energie einzutauchen. Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit mit Heilung für alle Frauen die dabei waren, deren weibliche Linie und alle Frauen dieser Welt. Heute nur einige Bilder, da ich wegen der neuen Datenschutz...

Accessing Our Intuition

Accessing Our Intuition

Our intuition is only accessible for us if we are present with ourselves Like every year I have just traveled to Germany, which for me is always a time for self exploration, contemplation and practice.I am spending time with my parents, which is a source of delight...

SOL Spirit of Light Training part 4, March 2018, Mullumbimby

SOL Spirit of Light Training part 4, March 2018, Mullumbimby

We just completed the last part of the SOL Spirit of Light Training 2017/ 2018. Some of the participants couldn't be there this weekend, but they were with us in spirit, especially Cara, who has given birth to a beautiful baby girl a couple of weeks before we started...

Women Emerging in Hunter Valley

Women Emerging in Hunter Valley

A couple of weeks ago Shivani Gupta and I held our first retreat with women who wanted to start the year doing something different. We used our combined skills to help the women to purposefully set their intentions for the year, get into more of their intuition and...

The Value of Grounding Yourself

The Value of Grounding Yourself

I believe that it is necessary to ground ourselves in our physical existence in order to regulate, find balance and make changes. I recently had an experience where some emotional challenge triggered me so much that I couldn't sleep, couldn't stop crying and never...