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The workhshop Lebensfreude (Joy of Life) turned out to be my second workshop with only women this year and although it wasn’t planned to be an only women’s weekend, we all loved it!

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Women working together in sacred space is always something special and this weekend was very special indeed.

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Working with our inner children, the little girls and young ones inside created intimacy,

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and deep sharing.

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Energy work and

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the use of healing light provided the space for

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relaxation and

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deep gratitude.

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My glorious team and dear friends Sonja and Andrea enjoyed the weekend as much

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as all the other women.

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And I….?!….am as happy as can be!

There is one more 4 day training that you can join if you want to work with me this year. Join us for Schöpferkraft at the end of the month!

Love, Ghata