by Ghata | Mar 11, 2014 | Deepening
Some SOL Spirit of Light family members got together for a Deepening weekend and our time together was full of wonder and delight.

Although we lost one of our friends after day one because she had a family emergency, Bettina was with us in spirit and, represented by a goddess, received healing, fun and deep processing by osmosis.

Working with the elements gave us plenty of opportunities to be outside
and the weather goddess was kind and supported many moments of connection,

and bliss for us humans and our temple cat princess.

It helps of course to be working on one of the most amazing properties in Mullumbimby – thanks so my gorgeous friend Jo who got blessings send to her from her home whilst being with the animals in Africa.
The elements supported bonding and
deep intimacy as well as
deep relaxation after the exercises.
We had time in sacred space to create
elemental pieces
and every participant took their piece home, whilst Bettina’s is on its way to Perth right now.
Yes, it was a wonderful weekend with loads of fun, dance,
and enjoyment in the midst of depth and realizations.

Maybe you want to consider joining the SOL Spirit of Light family or if you already are part of it and missed out this time, come for the next Deepening! I am looking forward to seeing you and working/playing with you.
by Ghata | Feb 24, 2014 | SOL Training
After missing each other for 4 months the new SOL family finally got back together for part 3 of the SOL Spirit of Light training in Mullum.
And as usual we had a lot of fun in the midst of




and practicing new skills.

I am very touched by everyone being so caring,

and fun.
And thanks to the gorgeous Suzie, my friend and organizer, everything went smooth and easy.

See you all in April and some of you already in 10 days for the SOL Deepening!
by Ghata | Oct 21, 2013 | SOL Training
Part 2 of the Spirit of Light Training was a profound experience for everyone.

Ceremony in the circle,

active meditations,
shared spaces

and healing practices
created depth
and intimacy.

The participants explored their unique ways

of supporting each other
and connecting

from heart to heart.

And we all had so much fun

in the space

and during exercises

as well as in the breaks.

Yes, there was a lot of laughing

and enjoying
each other.
And although my team worked hard

there was always time for us to have loads of fun.

This was also the first time we used a “mock up” version of the new Spirit of Light cards that are in the making!

Deeply grateful

and connected from heads to toes
did we take our leave for this year. But we will be meeting again in February 2014.

Thanks to my gorgeous Spirit of Light family all over the world. You teach me so much and make me so very happy!
by Ghata | Sep 23, 2013 | Workshop
This was the first time I brought the Spirit of Light work to Perth with a Language of Light day. This was also the first time working in Anna Foley’s studio and it was an absolute divine experience!

The group of people that came together for this unique event was delightful and very open to not only receiving the blessings of our Language of day together, but also be the first group working with the energy of the future Spirit of Light cards around us.
Yes, my dear friend Anna Foley had decided to do the art work for a Spirit of Light deck and a couple of days before our Language of Light day we had an exhibition of some of her work, including prints of the art work for the Spirit of Light deck. I have also done more than half of the writing that will go with the deck, and so we used this opportunity to give everyone a taste of what is to come and to start working with the energies of the art work.
It was truly amazing to work in the midst of some of the pictures and feel their energy supporting the work.
It deepened the work and made it much easier for me to support everyone who came.
Just to give you a taste: this is me standing inbetween Healing and Relationship. Aren’t they extraordinary?!
Everyone enjoyed the day
and we were able to go very deep in the short amount of time we had.

During the day we experienced wonderful connections with each other

and blissfull diving within.
The breaks gave us all more opportunities to enjoy all the gorgeous artwork Anna displays.

As the official Language of Light workshop ended, some of us held the energy for Anna to bring a painting from source into existence.
What a privilege to be part of this process!

I was very touched during the painting and especially when Anna invited me to support her towards the completion of the painting.
This also brought be even closer to this extraordinary being.
Magic was truly tangible!
I can’t wait to see the full painting once it is dry.
And so I leave you for today with the images of Vision and Peace and me being fulfilled and feeling as whole as I have ever felt in my life. My gratitude goes to everyone who came, to magical Anna and my dear organizer Suzie who keeps making my life so much easier and was part of this first Spirit of Light event in Perth.
by Ghata | Sep 2, 2013 | SOL Training
The new members of the Spirit of Light family met for the first time in Mullumbimby this weekend for the first part of the training. And what a glorious beginning of the training this weekend was!
It felt like the coming together of a group of unique beings that knew exactly why they had to be here at this point in time.

It was a very humbling experience

and everyone was willing to give their gifts and receive what was being offered.

The realms of energies were enjoyed in many ways
as unique gifts were explored.

Working together was fun,



and heart felt.

Moments of devotion and gratitude,

deeply clearing work

and dedication to light and love.

My team had fun

and so did everyone else.

We did some deep work

which also allowed for laughter.

The whole group embraced working with energy easily

and our temple cat enjoyed herself too.
Yes, we all had a wonderful time with each other and we are all glad that this is just the beginning of our journey.
We’ll be seeing you again in October after part 2.
by Ghata | Jun 17, 2013 | SOL Training
What a delightful reunion with the participants of my SOL Spirit of Light Training!
A circle of friends sang in celebration of life,
danced in ecstasy,
enjoyed each others company
and delighted in their own sweet space.

I was blessed with a wonderful team

and we enjoyed every moment together.

Working in the realms of energy

was so much fun

and laughing
was our daily practice.

Deep moments of energetic healing

opened our hearts

and allowed going deep inside.
This group has a very special connection

which showed in many moments!

I delighted in peoples happiness

in their connection,



and intimacy.

And the goddess sent us weather to work outside for our last healing meditation.

We leave this second part of the Spirit of Light training with smiles on our faces

and we look forward to meeting again next year in May.

This years Spirit of Light events were truly amazing and we invite you to join us next year for more energy work and delightful adventures when I come back in May.

Yes, I am going home soon, but I will be back next year and hope to see many of you. I love you all and miss you already….but you will always be in my heart!
by Ghata | Jun 10, 2013 | Workshop
A new workshop is always a surprise and an adventure for me. This new workshop Sources of Power was based around the 4 elements and gave us all more than I had expected.
A fabulous group of people came together to embrace the 4 elements on many levels.

After calling in the support of all directions and the elemetal realms

we started exploring different elements and our relationship to them.

We were so lucky with the weather and took the opportunity to work outside

using energy work and the power of nature.

Supported by the weather we were able to use the power of creation,


and community.

We had fun

and created healing

working with each other.

Embodying the elements

in a group setting

was magical and sometimes hilarious

whilst creating inner balance.

And there was even some sun bathing during the breaks.

We were all filled with deep gratitude at the end of the weekend

and I am content and fulfilled after my last weekend workshop in Germany this year.

Thanks to everyone who came to play and dive into these realms with me and my friend and organizer Sonja. Thanks to all of our friends, our assistants and support teams. We love you and hope to see you for one of our adventure next year.
We are lucky as we have another SOL Spirit of Light training next weekend….before we are closing doors for this years SOL events in Germany.
by Ghata | Jun 5, 2013 | Deepening
YES, we had loads of fun these last 4 days. A group of SOL Spirit of Light graduates came together and celebrated growing and learning together.
It doesn’t seem to matter what we do together when we meet once a year. We just love being a big family and explore tools and energy work.

Meditation is always part of our time together

as well as healing work

and supporting each other.

Although it was so cold and mostly raining (these flower petals from the big chestnut tree looked like snow and the temperatures where indicating it as well )

on our last day the sun was finally shining and supporting our celebrating a fabulous time together. We were able to sit outside and enjoy our wonderful ayurvedic food.

And of course: we had so much fun!

Laughing was part of our every day.


the beauty of deep intimacy of our fresh couple in love,

it was all delightful!

Interesting insights and singing and sharing together
created connection between us and brought us deeper into ourselves.

Thanks to everyone who came and explored the depth and power of our own creations.
I just love it !!!!!!
by Ghata | May 20, 2013 | Workshop
When I created this workshop I would have never expected it to be that powerful and magical!
A great combination of women came together to explore their own magic.
We worked with the different qualities of the feminine divinity and explored possible wounding in different areas.
The willingness for change and transformation in the midst of possible fear

as well as going inside

created openness

and joyful companionship.
In a beautiful ceremony
we burned the old

and allowed transformation.

Sometimes we needed to help each other in the process of burning and letting go.

Powerful healing
nourishing support

loving touch

and of course sisterhood created the most extraordinary magic for all of us.
And the goddess sent us blessings with sunshine for relaxation
and lunches enjoyed outside.
Yes, it was a fabulous weekend
and we hope that many more women will hear the calling to join us for another women’s adventure next year. (For my SOL family from last year: this is the apple tree we planted during the SOL deepening. It flowered this year!)
by Ghata | May 13, 2013 | SOL Training
Our new Spirit of Light training group took to the work like ducks to water!

Our few men

as well as the women went inside to discover more of themselves.

Through different ceremonies


and meditation

gratitude and intimacy was achieved.

And there was so much fun




heartfelt connection


and bliss.

And although it was quite cold we were lucky enough with the weather and able to eat our delicious ayurvedic food outside.

Yes, nourishment happened on many levels.

I loved the depth of the work we did!

Yeah, what a wonderful group, a fabulous team and a glorious mission to have! I love life and I love you all!
by Ghata | May 6, 2013 | Workshop
My first Workshop in Germany “Zest for Life” was a beautiful way to start my tour.
It was an extraordinary time that truly evoked a passion for life

which manifested in lots of fun

and delight.

The group participated in a way that allowed depth,



and relaxation

It was so touching to see and feel the transformation on so many levels

and everyone was grateful and fulfilled by the end of our time together.

I am celebrating life in gratitude for the gift that I have been given and am able to share! Thank you to everyone who was there this weekend and allowed me to really feel the zest for life!

by Ghata | Mar 19, 2013 | SOL Training
There is always a bit of sadness and the feeling of loss when the Spirit of Light training is complete after part 4 and this time it is no different. I am letting go of a precious group of people as we are all going our ways after a beautiful, deep and wonderfully connected Spirit of Light training here in Mullumbimby….but I hope I will see you all again!
This is the newest addition to my Spirit of Light family after having spend some time drawing visions together.

Sharing our drawings and visions with each other was very supportive, meaningful and FUN!

The intimacy and love in this group was always tangible and very touching.

During these last 4 days together we combined channeling, healing and nurturing in a beautiful group meditation

where receiving and giving happened naturally.

What can I say but admire the blissful beauty of meditation.

This time we were blessed to have our hosts Joanne and her partner Bobbie around while we were doing our work….and of course Princess was there too.

Princess inspired me to try out the cushions and have a rest during one of the breaks. Thank you Princess!

May we all continue to shine our light and love brightly!
by Ghata | Feb 11, 2013 | SOL Training

The 3rd part of our SOL Spirit of Light Training in Mullumbimby has left me full of wonder and excitement as to what is possible with a dedicated group of people.

Part 3 always has a bit of a shamanic influence and we honor and play with the different elements as we dive deep into the energetic realms. After having participated in a deep and transformative process myself last year, I felt even more connected and able to bring the power of the elements into our 4 day journey.

A powerful ceremony connected us all even more deeply

and created healing and intimacy.

I always feel honored to be present and part of such transformation.

We ended the ceremony marking each other to enhance radiance and beauty
which always adds so much creativity and fun.

Love was the weaving throughout the weekend
and with such deep transformational processes breaks were necessary.
Thanks to everyone who came to play and especially my gorgeous friend, organizer and assistant Suzie!
by Ghata | Dec 10, 2012 | Deepening
My last 4 working days for this year were an absolute delight and I am still buzzing with the energy from the Spirit of Light Training part 6.
Once again I was able to use Joanne’s most beautiful temple and I am so grateful to be able to work in such a peaceful and gorgeous environment. Thank you Jo!
This time we were not only blessed by our temple cat princess who was around the whole weekend, but her mum (the queen) Jo was also part of our time together.
Coming together as an experience Spirit of Light family is always very special
and once again the power of the group blew us all away.
Channelings were deep
and touching.
Working with some dark and rejected aspects of ourselves was intense
and calming.
And of course….we had loads of fun
and delight.
Sometimes the weather allowed us to take breaks in the sun

and rain also brought smiles to our faces.

And I had not only tranquile and still moments

I also was blessed with the healing power of the whole group to support my own wellbeing.

A powerful meditation completed day 3 of our journey
and we finished our 4 day journey with movements for the heart.

Now its time for a holiday for me. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a delightful start into the new year 2013!
by Ghata | Dec 10, 2012 | Workshop
I held a delightful 1 day event in Mullumbimby before starting the Spirit of Light Training Part 6…..and I am so happy that my organizer and friend Suzie convinced me to do it.The tools we used are so powerful and can be life changing.
Everyone got totally into it and used the day to re-evaluate their lifes values.
And in the midst of intense work everyone seemed to have fun

and enjoyed themselves immensely.

Working together made everything easier

and the group dynamic allowed insights to arise quickly.

Of course some things had to be worked out by ourselves

and moments of integration were necessary.

Discussions in and out of the group room

and then in the end a powerful meditation to achor it all in.

Thanks to everyone who came and played with us!
by Ghata | Nov 12, 2012 | News
Each year we have a wonderful community day in Mullumbimby, dedicated to the people that we have lost over the years. It is a deep and truly touching event and I always try to be part of it when I am around. Luckily the weather was good enough for the event to be held outside, under the old fig trees.

Everyone can offer prayers, light a candle, put photos of loved ones on the tree and just be in the space of love, compassion, grief and celebration.

It is a gift to participate!

I love sharing this space with my beloved and friends. There is always so much that can be felt and offered.

How lucky we are to have such a community!

I pray for all the people we have lost and all those who are fighting for their life right now. I pray for love and life and celebrate and enjoy every moment that I am here on this beautiful planet.Thanks to all my friends and the people that I have met and will meet and that make my life such a wonderful, rich and delightful experience.

by Ghata | Oct 15, 2012 | SOL Training
I am still buzzing with the energy of our latest 4 days in the Spirit of Light Training here in Mullumbimby.

There were tranquil moments

where the inner light was tangible and shining brightly,

Intimate moments of bliss

and pure delight,

heartfelt connection

and interaction,

ritual circles

deep healing work

and loads of fun.

In gratitude for the beautiful place that we are able to use

and our fluffy temple guardian Princess

are we calling on all the light, love and laughter we can possibly share in these extraordinary times.
by Ghata | Aug 6, 2012 | SOL Training
I have just arrived back in Australia after my Europe trip and after a short landing we started a new Spirit of Light Training in Mullumbimby. And what an amazing group of people have gathered here this time to explore energy work!
From the very first day everyone jumped right in and it felt as if all of the participants were like fish in water.
We did a lot of deep work and with the support of our Guides and Angels healing happend on many levels.
What a miracle the work with energy can be
and the miraculous results were felt by everyone.

As we were diving deeper into ourselves
we also had sweet,

and precious moments.

Moments of contemplation,







and receiving light

as well as the calling in of huge support.
It was a glorious 4 days. May it be of benefit to all beings!
by Ghata | Jun 18, 2012 | Workshop
My last weekend in Germany this year, an insightful and healing weekend for everyone and a miraculous blessing to myself. It was a rich and colourful combination of people who gathered to explore new paths in the labyrinth of their destiny.

The weather goddess was very kind to us and thus we were able to draw some labyrinths outside and walk the labyrinth throughout the weekend

and they were used a lot.

I loved it!

Thre was a lot of possibility for change



and everyone was able to hold and love themselves

and to go inside.

What a beautiful group of people that came together this weekend to use the energy,

move it and shift old patterns

as well as enjoy each others company.

We had a really good time and as I am saying good bye to my work in Germany this year and to my wonderful friends. I hope to see a lot of you again next year and maybe many more people will want to join us.

Thank you everyone for everything. I am so grateful and my heart sings in happiness and delight!

by Ghata | Jun 4, 2012 | Workshop
Ein Wochenende mit Frauen ist immer etwas ganz Besonderes und so war es auch in diesen 2 Tagen!
Eine Reflektion und Feier der Göttin in all ihren Formen
Wir hatten eine wirklich schöne Zeit.
Wir hatten Spaß,
es war heilend,

und voller Liebe.

Und wir hatten natürlich wieder einmal richtig gutes Essen!

Ja, es war ein tolles Wochenende mit den Frauen! Segen für alle aus Stuttgart.
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