It was a delight to teach module 2 of the Spirit of Light training, which is all about clearing of energies and entities on many different levels. We worked with energies we are carrying from our ancestors, taken on from our parents or loved ones as well as transpersonal entities. We also learned how to clear spaces and buildings. It blew me away how deep everyone was willing to go. It is amazing to see how powerful a space can be, when it is created from the heart and filled with love and light.
I am excited to work with participants who are dedicated to grow themselves and willing to go into unfamiliar and often uncomfortable territories. Knowing that many of the participants will take what they learned out into the world, makes my heart sing! Thanks to everyone for diving into the realms of energy with me.
Module 1 of the new SOL Spirit of Light training has been everything I hoped for and so much more! Amazing people showed up to explore and learn tools to work in the realms of energy. The love and light in the space was often tangible and allowed transformation, realisations, healing with ease and fun.
Although you can now book the modules separately, many of the participants decided to continue with the training and booked into all future modules. I am very excited, fullfilled and deeply satisfied. Thanks to everyone who came, thanks to my glorious team and thanks to spirit for guiding me and us so gently.
It was wonderful to be in the SOL space with graduates and witness their courage as they explored their inner critic, true strength and boundaries. We started on Thursday with creating a beautiful Yantra Mandala with flowers that everyone brought. Each day bringing new enquiries, insights and space to feel more resourced and regulated. Thank you to all who came. Every year I find the Deepening a blessing to hold and here are some images from the training…
This was the most amazing SOL Deepening I have ever been part of. Deep and meaningful ceremonies and healing light all around. It didn’t matter, if we worked with the realms of the Angels, the directions, the animal realms, the light and the dark or the corona virus and the fear around it, the energy of healing and transformation was tangible. And everyone felt more balanced, resourced and regulated. Here are some impressions:
Module 3 of the SOL Spirit of Light Training brought with it the beautiful rain that this land so needed. This is one of my favourite modules and we did some great past-life processes and had lots of fun too. What a weekend! Here are some impressions from our time together….
Module 2 of the SOL Spirit of Light training blew us all away. The participants were so willing, authentic and present, that we reached a new depth of working together and exploring the realms of energy. What a privilege to be with such an amazing collective of people.
My first time in Scotland and my first Language of Light workshop in Blackness was truly amazing. Thank you Kath Burlinson for organizing such a fabulous bunch of people to come and play in the light with us. I loved the land, the people, the house, the space and everyone who came. Thank you for the welcome and for the time we spent adventuring on so many levels. I am so lucky!
Was ein klasse Wochenende mit dem Thema Grenzen. Ich bin erstaunt, wie reichhaltig und tief dieses Thema ist und so froh, daß alle Teilnehmer sich so eingebracht haben. Wunderbare 2 Tage zum Abschluss meiner Arbeit hier in Deutschland in diesem Jahr. Danke an alle, die gekommen sind und danke an meine lieben SOL Freunde, die mein Leben immer wieder so bereichern.
What a fabulous weekend around the theme “Healthy Boundaries”. I am amazed about the layers and depth this issue holds. And I am grateful that everyone who came jumped in so completely. A couple of wonderful days to complete my work here in Germany this year. Thank you to everyone who came and thanks to all my SOL friends, who enrich my life and feed my soul.
Ich danke alle Mitglieder meiner SOL Familie in Deutschland, die dieses Jahr zu unserer wunderbaren Vertiefung gekommen sind. Es waren tolle 4 Tage, voller Tiefe, Verbindung, Liebe, Heilung und Spaß. Wie schön, daß ich jedes Jahr das Privileg habe an einem solchen Platz mit Freunden arbeiten zu dürfen.
Thanks to everyone from my SOL family in Germany who came to SOL Deepening this year. We had some amazing 4 days, full of depth, connection, love, healing and fun. What a privilege to come to such a beautiful spot and work with friends every year.
Was ein wunderbarer, inspirierender Tag! Frauen, die sich selber erforschen und lernen, sich ein wenig mehr anzuerkennen und zu lieben. Ein toller Beginn für meine Zeit hier in Deutschland.
Women’s (Self) Love Workshop in Buedingen June 2019 What a wonderful and inspiring day! Women exploring themselves and learn to accept and love themselves a little more. A great start for my time here in Germany.
The last part of the Spirit of Light Training is always delightful and sad at the same time. We are all aware that we are never going to meet in this same constellation again…..and we enjoyed every minute of our time together.
Can it get any better? A fabulous group of SOL Spirit of Light trainees and graduates diving back into the beautiful energy of SOL. Each person trusting and exploring over these remarkable 4 days. Learning new ways to do past lives and cord cutting processes. Plus the introduction of a new process called Feeding the Demon’. Such a gentle and profound experience for all. Thanks to everyone who came to play!Â
Part 3 is my favourite part of the SOL Spirit of Light training and this time was especially powerful. I have changed the past life integration process and it is so much easier and even more powerful. What a weekend! Here are some impressions from our time together. Thanks to the fabulous participants and my absolutely wonderful team..
I am still in awe of everything that unfolded in part 2 of this years SOL training. With every participant embracing the tools and bringing their own unique flavours to the energy work as well as the changes I made, the SOL training has gone to a whole new level. Here are some photos to give you an impression
Frei Sein – Der Workshop für Männer und Frauen brachte uns allen so viel Tiefe, die Möglichkeit die Geschenk unserer Ahnen anzunehmen und die Bürden loszulassen, Spaß und wunderbare Begegnungen.
Being Free – This workshop for men and women brought us all depth, the opportunity to connect with the gifts of our ancestors and the letting go of the burdens we had taken on, as well as fun and wonderful connections.
Unsere jährliche SOL Vertiefung war wieder einmal super. Spaß, Tiefe, neue Erkenntnisse und neues Wissen und vor allem Herzensverbindungen. / Our yearly SOL Deepening was once again amazing. Fun, depth, new realizations, new knowledge and most of all heart connections.
Ich freue mich schon auf euch alle bei der Vertiefung im nächsten Jahr und hoffentlich können dann einige kommen, die in diesem Jahr keine Zeit hatten. / I am already looking forward to the Deepening next year. And maybe some of the people who couldn’t come this year will be able to join us.Â
Wie schön, letztes Wochenende mit 20 Frauen in die Reiche der Energie einzutauchen. Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit mit Heilung für alle Frauen die dabei waren, deren weibliche Linie und alle Frauen dieser Welt.
Heute nur einige Bilder, da ich wegen der neuen Datenschutz Grundverordnung vorsichtig sein möchte und erst noch lernen muß, Gesichter der Teilnehmer unkenntlich zu machen, die nicht abgelichtet werden wollen.
Wonderful to dive into the realms of energy last weekend with 20 women. We had a gorgeous time and the healing and shift for the women in the space, their female lineage and all women was tangible.
Today only a few pictures. There is a new general data protection law in place here in Europe and I first need to learn how to blur pictures of the participants that don’t want their faces recognizable.
Wir können uns nur dann mit unserer Intuition verbinden, wenn wir ganz präsent mit uns selber sind.Â
Ich bin vor einigen Tagen in Deutschland angekommen und wie immer ist diese Reise für mich eine Zeit, in der ich mich selbst erforsche, meine Höhen und Tiefen erlebe und das, was ich lerne und lehre, üben kann.Ich verbringe gerade Zeit mit meinen Eltern, was immer eine Quelle von Freude und auch Herausforderungen ist. Während ich verschiedene Emotionen in mir erlebe,merke ich, wieviele Ideen ich über meine Eltern habe und wie schwer es ist, einfach nur mit ihnen und mir selber präsent zu sein. Ich trage so viele Überzeugungen in mir, wie Eltern und Menschen im allgemeinen sein sollten oder wie sie nicht sein sollten. Das bringt natürlich Enttäuschungen und hindert mich, einfach nur mit meinen Eltern zu sein und zu erleben, was in mir und meinem Körper im jeweiligen Moment passiert.
So übe ich, meine Gedanken, Ideen, Geschichten und Überzeugungen loszulassen und alles was passiert im aktuellen Moment zu erleben. Ich versuche, ohne Bewertung zuzuhören und mich für unterschiedliche Realitäten und Gesichtspunkte zu öffnen.
Das ist die einzige Möglichkeit wie ich mit meinen eigenen Bedürfnissen, meinem Fluß, meiner Führung, meiner Intuition und Verletzlichkeit in Berührung bleiben kann.
Wie würde dein Leben wohl anders sein, wenn du anstatt wegen unerfüllter Bedürfnisse mit der Welt frustriert zu sein, deine Verletzlichkeit fühlen könntest und wirklich spüren könntest, was du brauchst? Wie wäre es, wenn du dir bewußt darüber wärest, was in dir passiert und dein Inneres liebevoll regulieren könntest? Würdest du anders reagieren als du es gewohnt bist?
Wie wäre es wohl, wenn du ganz mit dir bleiben könntest, besonders wenn etwas ungewünschtes im Außen passiert? Wie wäre es, wenn du dich, deinen jungen Anteil und dein Inneres Kind halten könntest, so daß es sich sicher und geborgen fühlt?
Bist du gerade in Berührung mit deiner Verletzlichkeit? Wie fühlst du dich gerade in deinem Körper? Wenn du ganz präsent mit dir bist, dann kannst du den Fluß des Lebens spüren und leicht das Licht, das dich lebt fühlen. Dann bist du in der Lage, die intuitiven Informationen deines Lichtselbstes zu empfangen und intuitiv zu handeln.
Ich finde dies eine wunderbare tägliche Übung. Was meinst du?
Our intuition is only accessible for us if we are present with ourselves
Like every year I have just traveled to Germany, which for me is always a time for self exploration, contemplation and practice.I am spending time with my parents, which is a source of delight and struggle at the same time. As I am exploring the different emotions that are coming up I realize how many ideas I have about my parents and how challenging it is to be totally present with them and myself. I carry so many beliefs in general as to how parents/people should be and specifically as to how my parents should be and aren’t. This of course sets me up for disappointment and is in the way of just being with them and experience what happens for me and in my body from moment to moment.
So my practice is to let go of thoughts, ideas, the stories of my mind and stay in the moment and meet everyone as they are right now. To listen without judgement and be open to different viewpoints and realities.
This is also the only way how I can be in touch with my needs, my own flow, my guidance, my intuition.
How is that for you?
Maybe you want to take a moment and ask yourself if you can be in touch with yourself when you are around others, especially anyone challenging like possibly your parents, ex partners, children? Can you actually feel what is happening in yourself, rather than trying to change your outside world in order to feel better? If not, what would it take?
How would your life be different if you could feel your vulnerability, be in touch with what you need, rather than being frustrated that the outside world is not meeting your needs? How would it be if you could be aware of anything that causes activation inside of you and then check in how to regulate yourself again.
How would your life be different if you could be with yourself when you experience something undesired that appears to come from the outside? How would it be to hold yourself and your little one right now and make them feel safe and held? Are you in touch with your needs and your vulnerability in this moment? How do you feel in your body?When you are present with yourself you are able to feel the flow of life and can easily get in touch with the light that lives you. You are available for your way of receiving intuitive information and act from your guided self.
I think this makes a wonderful practice in every day life. What do you think?
We just completed the last part of the SOL Spirit of Light Training 2017/ 2018. Some of the participants couldn’t be there this weekend, but they were with us in spirit, especially Cara, who has given birth to a beautiful baby girl a couple of weeks before we started part 4. I feel privileged and humbled by every ones willingness and dedication to grow and show up. What an amazing training this was! Here are some impressions:
I am looking forward to the next SOL Spirit of Light Training and we already have quite a few bookings. If you want to join us……just jump in!
A couple of weeks ago Shivani Gupta and I held our first retreat with women who wanted to start the year doing something different. We used our combined skills to help the women to purposefully set their intentions for the year, get into more of their intuition and learn to meditate and go inward.
Both Shivani and I love working with people and especially support women to become conscious about what they want to create and give them some tools to use in their lives. Here are some photos from our time together. It was such a blast!!
Because the event was so successful we decided to run it again on 21-23 September 2018. If you are interested contact me and watch out for more information on my homepage or the newsletter in the near future.Â
I believe that it is necessary to ground ourselves in our physical existence in order to regulate, find balance and make changes.
I recently had an experience where some emotional challenge triggered me so much that I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop crying and never mind ground myself. The only thing I could reach out to was my practice. At some point I remembered my breath, felt my feet on the ground and I started finding some safe places in my body. Slowly I started to relax, regulate and was able to deal with the situation.
Grounding is not only helpful to connect to self-awareness, but also to experience self-acceptance and self-love. Grounding helps us to learn, to integrate and to enjoy life.
Maybe you want to take a moment now to feel your feet, then feel your whole body and slowly become aware how you are experiencing yourself right now from the inside. Start being curious about your way of grounding, how you experience your roots growing into the earth and being here in your unique body in this particular stream of life.
I am celebrating my own uniqueness and I am celebrating you in your unique life stream. And maybe when the going gets tough next time you can remember this moment, this curiosity, this appreciation of yourself.
Can it get any better? A fabulous group of SOL Spirit of Light trainees and graduates, the theme “relating intimately, depth, fun, learning, insights, using life’s challenges for more learning….there is nothing I would have rather done. An amazing and fabulous 4 days. Thanks to everyone who came, trusted, played and made these 4 days remarkable.
No rain nor getting flooded in and out stopped us from exploring and learning.
We even had to spend half a day at my place….and it worked so well too.
And then back at the venue for our last day and completion.
I am grateful and feel so blessed! And I am already plotting the SOL Deepening for next year.
Part 3 is my favorite part of the SOL Spirit of Light training and this time was especially powerful. I have changed the past life integration process and it is so much easier and even more powerful. What a weekend! Here are some impressions from our time together. Thanks to the fabulous participants and my absolutely wonderful team.
What a privilege to work with people who are as dedicated and excited about growing as I am! And so the 2nd part of the SOL Spirit of Light training was a delightful and transformative event.
The circles were powerful and full of insights.
There was silence and meditation,
deep and true connection,
and loads of fun! We had a wonderful weekend and here is a huge thank you to my wonderful team Suzie, Tania and Marina.
I am so full of gratitude and delight and I am looking forward to our next adventure together.
I wonder if I always feel like this is the best SOL Spirit of Light training ever after an event?! Possibly it is because I love my work so much, but these last 4 days, the first part of the SOL Spirit of Light training in Mullumbimby was everything I could have ever dreamed of and more.
Such a wonderful collection of participants who were all willing to dive right in and loved exploring the realms of energy and healing.
So many deep and intimate moments
love and laughter
healing and delight.
And luckily this was just the first weekend out of 4. So we have so much more to learn and share with each other. Thank you everyone for coming and reminding me that I not only love this work, but that it makes a difference!
A wonderful start of the training with an extraordinary group of participants.
I am deeply touched and feel so lucky to be able to witness such willingness and transformation. I can’t wait to be with this group again for part 2 in October. Thank you everyone for coming and making my life matter.
I was greeted by the coldest spring weather as I arrived in Germany. But the new SOL Spirit of Light Training group called in the warmth that was deeply longed for.
The new participatns were open and ready to dive into the realms of energy. The willingness of all the participants allowed depth and healing on all levels.
And of course we had lots of fun whilst working in the energetic realms.
I was touched by the gratitude and intimacy the participants shared with each other.
I am looking forward to the SOL Deepening, the upcoming weekend workshop and of course part 2 of the SOL Spirit of light training in June. I hope that I will meet many of my friends and also get to know new people during my work.
This new SOL Spirit of Light Training group… for the first time a women only group….and although the masculine is of course always welcome….we are loving it!
Everyone jumped right into connecting with each other
as we explored different facets of energy work.
circle work
and loads of fun were on the agenda.
I took a photo of some participants after energy work and this picture appeared on the camera. Miraculously it seems to show the energy of the group in its colours and vibrations. Isn’t it amazing?!
Our Saturday evening ritual left us all in awe and full of radiance.
I am so happy and grateful for these 4 days with such a wonderful new group. And I am looking forward to our next time together in October. Thanks to everyone who came and played with us and thanks to my team, Nikki, Marina, Natalie and my fabulous organizer Suzie!
My wonderful German Spirit of Light Family was in full action this last weekend, when we met for the SOL Deepening this year.
It is always such a delight to come together, play and work with like minded people.
Working and learning with each other is always fun
for everyone.
Learning and healing
sharing and energy work
meditation, gratitude, beauty and giggles
we all had a fabulous time together.
And this weekend for the first time since I am in Germany, we were able to enjoy the sun during our breaks
and the company of old and new friends.
After such a great weekend I can’t help myself and am planning to come back next year for a Deepening, a workshop and YES, another Spirit of Light Training. Maybe you want to join the Spirit of Light family?!
What a powerful weekend! I am still so open and feel so fulfilled from the time with this amazing group of people.
Deep inquiry and sharing
compassion and care
healing and holding
and unconditional love.
Everyone enjoyed working together
and spending time with each other outside of the space.
And there were of course also quite moments.
I had such a wonderful time laughing with friends
as well as listening, explaining, holding and supporting everyone through their processes.
I am looking forward to the next weekend with my SOL graduates for a Spirit of Light Deepening! Thank you everyone for coming and allowing so much depth.
I love working with women and enjoyed spending time with many old and new women friends to explore the 4 chambers of the spiritual heart this last weekend.
We all had a lot of fun during our time together.
Meditation and ceremony,
nourishment, healing and holding
intimacy, gratitude and support
as well as creative expression from the heart… was an extraordinary weekend.
….there is one more weekend to come this year. Maybe you want to join us?!
Love and many blessings from here to where ever you may be right now.
The last part of the Spirit of Light Training is always delightful and sad at the same time. We are all aware that we are never going to meet in this same constellation again…..and we enjoyed every minute of our time together.
Lots of the participants had anticipated this particular weekend as we started channeling and that is always really amazing for everyone.
As always, there was lots of fun
as well as depth.
And of course we spend time with our beautiful temple cat, who despite her old age, still enjoys being part of the weekends.
Visions were drawn
and shared.
After a final dance and some more fun and playfulness,
we had our closing circle
and completed with each other for this round of the SOL Spirit of Light training.
My team will be back with a new addition…..and also quite a few participants have signed up to review.
So if you want to be part of the next SOL Spirit of Light journey, starting in September……sign up!
I am looking forward to playing and working with you!
The SOL Deepening Training this year was once again very exciting,
and sacred.
Our circles were deep
and the energy work profound.
So many happy moments and some crazy ones as well!
Yes, it is always great to come together with some of the SOL family and dive deep, play and enjoy each others company. I hope to see many of you again in next years SOL Deepening.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Shape your own Destiny 1-day workshop. It was such a great day and everyone felt excited to go home and work with their new values and rules as well as make sure that it is harder to experience their resisted creations.
I will run more of these workshops in Australia this year and hope that you will come too!
Part 3 of the Spirit of Light training – what an amazing journey it was! As you can see, everyone is radiating light and love after 4 days of playing and working together.
It was absolutely delightful to meet again in circle after about 4 months and everyone was happy that the whole family came back to step into the next part of the training.
I love working with my two wonderful assistants Nikki and Marina as well as my life saving organizer and friend Suzie……and just like us,
as always, everyone had so much fun.
We enjoyed deep and intimate connections
in many different forms.
Maybe one day your path will also lead you to a Spirit of Light Training. (This is the beautiful view from the temple.)
For now I thank everyone who came to explore the amazing possibilities for change and growth through the work in the realms of energy with me. I look forward to part 4 and all the other trainings, weekends and days that I have the privilege of offering this year. Blessings to you all!
I am grateful and feel so blessed to be able to work with people of such caliber, integrity and depth. The last SOL Spirit of Light event of the year 2014 was just awesome!
I was so touched by the magic that unfolded in our circle.
Healing happened on many levels
as participants connected deeply with each other
and themselves.
Working with each other was fun
and created deep connectedness.
Breaks were needed in order to create
more fun
and connection.
Magic was tangible these last 4 days
and I am grateful and deeply fulfilled. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again next year for part 3 of the Spirit of Light Training. YEAH!
After a glorious 4-day SOL Training part 4, I am saying good bye to my beautiful Spirit of Light group 2013/2014 in Germany. I am feeling lucky and so blessed to have spent 16 days over the last 14 months with these gorgeous group of people and a bit sad that we had to let go.
We completed the training exploring the realms of Masters and Angels as we learned to channel energies of light
and had so many moments of healing
and deep nourishment.
We laughed a lot
and everyone was glowing from the inside out.
Creative moments
were fun
and inspiring.
My fabulous and gorgeous team
the participants
and myself had a wonderful time.
And now we have completed the Spirit of Light training 2013/2014 here in Germany and I am positive that we will all see each other again next year. Either for the review of the training, for the deepening or possibly another workshop, depending on what will be on offer next year.
Blessings to all of you and if you weren’t part of the training this year, maybe you want to join us for the Spirit of Light Training 2015/2016, starting in May next year.
The workhshop Lebensfreude (Joy of Life) turned out to be my second workshop with only women this year and although it wasn’t planned to be an only women’s weekend, we all loved it!
Women working together in sacred space is always something special and this weekend was very special indeed.
Working with our inner children, the little girls and young ones inside created intimacy,
and deep sharing.
Energy work and
the use of healing light provided the space for
relaxation and
deep gratitude.
My glorious team and dear friends Sonja and Andrea enjoyed the weekend as much
as all the other women.
And I….?!….am as happy as can be!
There is one more 4 day training that you can join if you want to work with me this year. Join us for Schöpferkraft at the end of the month!
The SOL Deepening is always one of my favorite parts of my time in Germany.
Working with my girl friend and meeting so many old
and new friends and energy workers is truly delightful.
Together we experienced fun and depth,
energy work and creativity,
inner transformation,
and many healing moments.
We were all so grateful for everything that was allowed to unfold.
And as friends we enjoyed the breaks as much as working together.
I hope to see you all again next year….and maybe some of you that couldn’t come this year will make it to our yearly gathering next year?! Lots of love and many blessings, Ghata
I just love working with women and this workshop was filled with light, delight and miracles.
Inspired by an exercise we did at the Shematrix Gathering in November 2013 in Byron Bay, I started the weekend with some dynamic drawing
and exploration of energetic imprints in our bodies.
After some healing exercises the weekend started to have a dynamic of its own and everyone was blown away by the depth of the transformation that started to happen.
And the pictures that we continued to work with became a reflection of all the shifts and changes.
Of course, women being creative together also brought lots of fun,
laughter and
deep connection.
Love was tangible!
We danced and we shared delightful moments,
beauty in all forms
and we created imprints of healing and love.
A weekend of feminine creativity and abundance!
There is one more weekend and a 4 day training that you could join! Come on, jump in and have some fun with us!
The SOL Spirit of Light Training group met again for part 4 of the training and we journeyed together through life times of old patterns and beliefs in order to shift and transform.
The 4 days were filled with depth and
healing and dancing.
Mostly we enjoyed the company of like minded people
and had loads of fun.
There were so many funny moments
as well as moments of deep connection.
What a fabulous day to start the season here in Stuttgart.
….and the spring flowers are sending their blessings too.
My workshop tour 2014 started with a Language of Light evening and a Workshop “Sources of Power” in Büdingen. We had a sweet time together and connected with the 4 elements and each other on deep levels.
Loving connections
healing exercises and
shared contemplation was part of the weekend. Thanks so all the participants, my assistants and friends for all their support.
I hope to see many of you over the next months! Blessings and love, Ghata
This is the newest edition of the Spirit of Light Family in Australia. I am sad that the training is finished and hopeful that many of my new friends will return for future work and fun together.
It didn’t matter if we sat in circle,
had breaks,
worked with each other
sang mantras
or learned to channel…..
this group always created heart connections.
How lucky am I to call such beautiful beings my friends now! Blessings to all of you and Germany, I am coming!
Some SOL Spirit of Light family members got together for a Deepening weekend and our time together was full of wonder and delight.
Although we lost one of our friends after day one because she had a family emergency, Bettina was with us in spirit and, represented by a goddess, received healing, fun and deep processing by osmosis.
Working with the elements gave us plenty of opportunities to be outside
and the weather goddess was kind and supported many moments of connection,
and bliss for us humans and our temple cat princess.
It helps of course to be working on one of the most amazing properties in Mullumbimby – thanks so my gorgeous friend Jo who got blessings send to her from her home whilst being with the animals in Africa.
The elements supported bonding and
deep intimacy as well as
deep relaxation after the exercises.
We had time in sacred space to create
elemental pieces
and every participant took their piece home, whilst Bettina’s is on its way to Perth right now.
Yes, it was a wonderful weekend with loads of fun, dance,
and enjoyment in the midst of depth and realizations.
Maybe you want to consider joining the SOL Spirit of Light family or if you already are part of it and missed out this time, come for the next Deepening! I am looking forward to seeing you and working/playing with you.
This was the first time I brought the Spirit of Light work to Perth with a Language of Light day. This was also the first time working in Anna Foley’s studio and it was an absolute divine experience!
The group of people that came together for this unique event was delightful and very open to not only receiving the blessings of our Language of day together, but also be the first group working with the energy of the future Spirit of Light cards around us.
Yes, my dear friend Anna Foley had decided to do the art work for a Spirit of Light deck and a couple of days before our Language of Light day we had an exhibition of some of her work, including prints of the art work for the Spirit of Light deck. I have also done more than half of the writing that will go with the deck, and so we used this opportunity to give everyone a taste of what is to come and to start working with the energies of the art work.
It was truly amazing to work in the midst of some of the pictures and feel their energy supporting the work.
It deepened the work and made it much easier for me to support everyone who came.
Just to give you a taste: this is me standing inbetween Healing and Relationship. Aren’t they extraordinary?!
Everyone enjoyed the day
and we were able to go very deep in the short amount of time we had.
During the day we experienced wonderful connections with each other
and blissfull diving within.
The breaks gave us all more opportunities to enjoy all the gorgeous artwork Anna displays.
As the official Language of Light workshop ended, some of us held the energy for Anna to bring a painting from source into existence.
What a privilege to be part of this process!
I was very touched during the painting and especially when Anna invited me to support her towards the completion of the painting.
This also brought be even closer to this extraordinary being.
Magic was truly tangible!
I can’t wait to see the full painting once it is dry.
And so I leave you for today with the images of Vision and Peace and me being fulfilled and feeling as whole as I have ever felt in my life. My gratitude goes to everyone who came, to magical Anna and my dear organizer Suzie who keeps making my life so much easier and was part of this first Spirit of Light event in Perth.
The new members of the Spirit of Light family met for the first time in Mullumbimby this weekend for the first part of the training. And what a glorious beginning of the training this weekend was!
It felt like the coming together of a group of unique beings that knew exactly why they had to be here at this point in time.
It was a very humbling experience
and everyone was willing to give their gifts and receive what was being offered.
The realms of energies were enjoyed in many ways
as unique gifts were explored.
Working together was fun,
and heart felt.
Moments of devotion and gratitude,
deeply clearing work
and dedication to light and love.
My team had fun
and so did everyone else.
We did some deep work
which also allowed for laughter.
The whole group embraced working with energy easily
and our temple cat enjoyed herself too.
Yes, we all had a wonderful time with each other and we are all glad that this is just the beginning of our journey.
We’ll be seeing you again in October after part 2.
What a delightful reunion with the participants of my SOL Spirit of Light Training!
A circle of friends sang in celebration of life,
danced in ecstasy,
enjoyed each others company
and delighted in their own sweet space.
I was blessed with a wonderful team
and we enjoyed every moment together.
Working in the realms of energy
was so much fun
and laughing
was our daily practice.
Deep moments of energetic healing
opened our hearts
and allowed going deep inside.
This group has a very special connection
which showed in many moments!
I delighted in peoples happiness
in their connection,
and intimacy.
And the goddess sent us weather to work outside for our last healing meditation.
We leave this second part of the Spirit of Light training with smiles on our faces
and we look forward to meeting again next year in May.
This years Spirit of Light events were truly amazing and we invite you to join us next year for more energy work and delightful adventures when I come back in May.
Yes, I am going home soon, but I will be back next year and hope to see many of you. I love you all and miss you already….but you will always be in my heart!
A new workshop is always a surprise and an adventure for me. This new workshop Sources of Power was based around the 4 elements and gave us all more than I had expected.
A fabulous group of people came together to embrace the 4 elements on many levels.
After calling in the support of all directions and the elemetal realms
we started exploring different elements and our relationship to them.
We were so lucky with the weather and took the opportunity to work outside
using energy work and the power of nature.
Supported by the weather we were able to use the power of creation,
and community.
We had fun
and created healing
working with each other.
Embodying the elements
in a group setting
was magical and sometimes hilarious
whilst creating inner balance.
And there was even some sun bathing during the breaks.
We were all filled with deep gratitude at the end of the weekend
and I am content and fulfilled after my last weekend workshop in Germany this year.
Thanks to everyone who came to play and dive into these realms with me and my friend and organizer Sonja. Thanks to all of our friends, our assistants and support teams. We love you and hope to see you for one of our adventure next year.
We are lucky as we have another SOL Spirit of Light training next weekend….before we are closing doors for this years SOL events in Germany.
YES, we had loads of fun these last 4 days. A group of SOL Spirit of Light graduates came together and celebrated growing and learning together.
It doesn’t seem to matter what we do together when we meet once a year. We just love being a big family and explore tools and energy work.
Meditation is always part of our time together
as well as healing work
and supporting each other.
Although it was so cold and mostly raining (these flower petals from the big chestnut tree looked like snow and the temperatures where indicating it as well )
on our last day the sun was finally shining and supporting our celebrating a fabulous time together. We were able to sit outside and enjoy our wonderful ayurvedic food.
And of course: we had so much fun!
Laughing was part of our every day.
the beauty of deep intimacy of our fresh couple in love,
it was all delightful!
Interesting insights and singing and sharing together
created connection between us and brought us deeper into ourselves.
Thanks to everyone who came and explored the depth and power of our own creations.